Tips For Beginner Runners
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Tips For Beginner Runners

I started running five years ago after a period of feeling out of shape and constantly lethargic. Running was something I could do on my lunch break that didn't require any expensive equipment or a gym membership. I suffered a few injuries in the early days due to poor running technique, so I started learning everything I could about proper running form and how to warm up and cool down safely. I now have three marathons under my belt and volunteer at my local running club to help get new runners off to a good start. I started this blog to share what I've learned with new runners, and I hope you find my tips useful.

Tips For Beginner Runners

Chartering a Fishing Boat: 4 Top Tips

Troy Murray

If you are planning to charter a fishing boat so you can have a day of fun out on the open waves with your friends, you may be wondering how to find the best boat and captain. Below is a guide which will help you to get the most out of your fishing charter.

Chat with the captains

Before deciding on a fishing boat to charter, you should spend some time chatting with the captains of the various boats on offer. Not only will this allow you to judge which captain has a personality that you can deal with, but it will also allow you to judge their level of knowledge and experience. A great captain will know the best spots to fish in and will also be friendly towards those who hire their boat. 

Ask about tackle techniques

Different charters will use different tackle techniques during fishing operations. Some captains will only use light tackle when fishing whereas others may prefer trolling for fish. Other fishing charters use both these techniques in combination. If you have a favourite way of fishing, you should ask about the tackle techniques used by each charter company to make sure they can meet your needs.

Check the caught fish policy

Different fishing charters have different policies when it comes to the fish caught during a trip. Some will allow their clients to keep the fish they have managed to catch that day, whereas others may require that any fish which are caught are returned to the water once they have been photographed and weighed. If the fish need to be returned to the sea, this is often a condition of the fishing charters licence, so you should not be tempted to break this rule. Some fishing charters will allow clients to take fish with them but will charge them a price which is normally based on the weight of the fish. To avoid being disappointed after a big catch, you should always check out the caught fish policy before you charter a fishing boat.

Do not rush

When looking for a charter boat, you should take your time. If you are down on the harbour, some captains may try to pressure you into hiring their boat immediately by saying conditions are due to change or that the boat will be gone by the time you return. You should never allow yourself to be pressured into making a decision on the spot. You should carefully weigh up all your options before making a final choice.

If you would like further help and advice, you should contact a fishing charter company today.
